Sunday, June 16, 2024

Enjoying Creating in the Studio & Home

A pale blush pink journal started
(beautiful digitals from
Sweet Pea Curiosities
on Etsy)
And then....
a few from
my studio and kitchen
these phone pictures are so dark, sorry!
I'm still organizing the studio
a never ending battle!
My kitchen has bright white cabinets
for some reason the cabinets photographed a soft white
Just a little bit French!
Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, May 27, 2024

It's May.....and I'm still here

Some of my latest journals
a bit of inspiration for you

I'm loving the vintage French ephemera below
so I created a few journal covers with copies of it
Our move into our new house
was very stressful
we are slowly adjusting
Real soon I will share my studio space
maybe a bit more of the house!
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Creating With What I Have

I pulled out the antique cabinet cards...
I pulled out the crochet trims...
More French themed booklets
using French postcards
copies of French photographs
A wedding journal and more!
I've been going through my craft closet
actually using my favorite pieces!
A sweet shabby journal
Lovely antique papers in these journals
These cute little pocket booklets
are so easy to create!

Only 1 book page
whatever images you want in them!

All of these can be seen on my YouTube channel
A Little Bit French
Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

December Is Here


A few pictures of what I've been creating 

 I hope that you find some inspiration

Lovely antique French ephemera
and finally, a Christmas journal
a first for me
Please follow me on Instagram and YouTube
to see what I am up to!
Thanks for stopping by!
I know it's a busy season
I hope that you find peace in this world

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Catching Up


Summer has flown by
It is Autumn now
we are enjoying cooler mornings
This past summer
we made it to Brimfield Antique Market
(it was so hot and humid, ugh)
I did find a few treasures!
(I will share later)
Right now, I'm just creating journals
(soon to be in my Etsy shop)
I hope you found some inspiration today!!