Sunday, June 16, 2024

Enjoying Creating in the Studio & Home

A pale blush pink journal started
(beautiful digitals from
Sweet Pea Curiosities
on Etsy)
And then....
a few from
my studio and kitchen
these phone pictures are so dark, sorry!
I'm still organizing the studio
a never ending battle!
My kitchen has bright white cabinets
for some reason the cabinets photographed a soft white
Just a little bit French!
Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, May 27, 2024

It's May.....and I'm still here

Some of my latest journals
a bit of inspiration for you

I'm loving the vintage French ephemera below
so I created a few journal covers with copies of it
Our move into our new house
was very stressful
we are slowly adjusting
Real soon I will share my studio space
maybe a bit more of the house!
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Creating With What I Have

I pulled out the antique cabinet cards...
I pulled out the crochet trims...
More French themed booklets
using French postcards
copies of French photographs
A wedding journal and more!
I've been going through my craft closet
actually using my favorite pieces!
A sweet shabby journal
Lovely antique papers in these journals
These cute little pocket booklets
are so easy to create!

Only 1 book page
whatever images you want in them!

All of these can be seen on my YouTube channel
A Little Bit French
Thanks for stopping by!